Monday, June 27, 2016

I'm Bad With Titles Ok


No, I don’t know what I’m doing, thank you for asking.

Yes… yes this is the first time I’ve done something like this. I know I sound like a retard, you don’t have to tell me.

But I’ll tell you what I’m doing here, I’m venting.

About what, you ask? (No you did ask that, I was listening)

Why, the life of a homeschooler who’s not sure how college will work out, for one. My frustrations about not being allowed to get a job for another… I can go on, and I will.

My lack of writing inspiration, my horse, my frustration with Steven Moffat (damn you Moftiss, damn you).

Or maybe my worries about delving into a career that I know nothing about.

Or maybe how I just don’t know how to life.

I suppose I should redact the word ‘venting’.. or rather, expand upon it. I don’t know about you, but I always find it easier to work out my problems when I write it out. Or maybe it’s just me. 

I digress.

I guess if I were to sum up this blog-to-be in one sentence it would be:

A place at which I lay down a series of problems, and systematically fix/improve the situation through a short and/or extensive period of time… and also gush about something I like occasionally, e.g. Lord of the Rings. 

Maybe I’ll bring a problem to the table in one post, and find a plan to solve it by the next… Perhaps you’ll learn something from my ravings.. Perhaps you’re looking for somebody like you, who knows what direction path the want to take, but doesn’t know where to find it.

Or maybe you’re just bored and would like to get a chuckle or two out of my suffering.

Maybe somebody will fine me amusing, or somebody will relate (hey that would be cool), or maybe somebody will enjoy my occasional  and unexpected Legend of Zelda rant.

I really don’t know.

Yeah, yeah I’ll shut up now.

The name’s Rousy, by the way.

Overlord Rousy.

Nice to meet you...

I’ll see you around
